Alice Baumann (Düsseldorf, 1976) is a Spanish Lawyer with 25 years of professional experience. She is German with a Spanish law degree (“Licenciada en Derecho y Abogada”). Born in Germany and raised on Lanzarote she benefited from an English education. She completed Law School in Madrid’s San Pablo University CEU in the Faculty of Legal and Administration Sciences in 1998. Through obtaining her A.P.I. license (“Agente de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria”) Alice Baumann has additionally specialised in Spanish Property Law. Her two daughters were born in Lanzarote. Consequently, she is not only trilingual but also has a unique understanding of her international client’s culture and mentality.
Since 1998, Alice Baumann has been registered at the Professional Association for Lawyers on Lanzarote (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lanzarote) – her registration number is 235. She is self-employed and is authorised to appear before all courts and tribunals in Spain.
Alice Baumann is a member of the Hispanic-German Association for Lawyers (Deutsch-Spanische Juristenvereinigung e.V.)
Alice Baumann is the person of contact in Lanzarote for the German-Helvetica Association for the defence of property abroad (Deutsch-Schweizerischen Schutzgemeinschaft für Auslandsgrundbesitz e.V.).
Since 1998, Alice Baumann has been registered at the Professional Association for Lawyers on Lanzarote (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lanzarote) – her registration number is 235. She is self-employed and is authorised to appear before all courts and tribunals in Spain.
Alice Baumann is a member of the Hispanic-German Association for Lawyers (Deutsch-Spanische Juristenvereinigung e.V.)
Alice Baumann is the contact person for the German-Helvetica Association for the defence of property abroad (Deutsch-Schweizerischen Schutzgemeinschaft für Auslandsgrundbesitz e.V.)